Main Character: Seralla
Brother 1:Stinger
Brother 2: Claw Ripper
Sister 1:Marcantross
Sister 2: Minya
The Monsters
By Bree L Messier
I am a beast a monster who follows orders unless wanting punishment/death. I go through a portal and go towards whatever Europe is. I have one mission and one mission only. It was given to me by our masters i am to follow them. Once i leave i am told i am not allowed to go home. I am going to miss home. I live in a world where everything looks like whatever those insects on earth call "spectrum glasses." Everything is colorful and the only bad thing is everybody here at home is over serious about everything. I am a monster of a category six my brothers are of a category five level. I am the strongest in my family, i can fly away if in danger. My wings are stronger than what they call on "Earth Adamantium." Ive never been to this place called "Earth." None of my family has come back from "Earth." I'm guessing they are just having a really good time completing their missions. Me, My brothers, and sisters will be the next ones to go through the portal. I hear there are these things they call "Continents." There are also these supposed things called "Oceans." These "Oceans" are filled with what the insects call "Water." Earth sounds like it's going to be a strange new home for me, my brothers, and my sisters. They tell us it's time to leave now, we stand in front of the portal about to go through. We all take one last look around because even if we do pass our missions we will never be coming home. We hear one of the others yell hurry and go take the jump. We jump in i jump first then my brothers then my sisters. My whole body feels as if it is burning! A ferocious roar leaves my mouth as i come through the portal fire explodes out of my mouth lighting these metal beasts on fire they don't burn it just surrounds them then dissipates. Stinger and Claw Ripper are surrounded by these beasts their are three of them and only Claw Ripper and Stinger. Marcantross and Minya follow me, they swim under the water towards the continent and i open my wings and fly i hear Claw Rippers scream as i watch these metal beasts kill him. I hope there are not any of these metal beasts where i am headed otherwise today will be the last day they live to see. Marcantross lets out a boisterous roar as she hears Stingers call for help. My brothers have failed their mission so now we are going to be having some very hard times. This war is one we will win. My brothers mission was to destroy those metal beasts he destroys two then the third destroys him. Marcantross bellows a roar and the ocean waves get to 100ft tall and rising. I tell her in the language only we understand that she needs to calm down and go do her mission. She stops and heads for the continent i have heard in my short time here is called Eurasia. I guess it is The continent Asia and Europe together its amazing the language these insects have. They apparently have many different ones but the main one i hear is what the insects call "English." I get to the continent they like to call "North America." My mission is to wipe it out. i must do my job i start wrecking these huge things called "buildings." I watch Marcantross and Minya destroying their continents. Two metal beasts are right now attacking Marcantross she will fail if she does not destroy them. A metal beast attacks me and i beat it quickly and easily there was a glowing thing on the front of it in the middle.
Three days later!
We destroyed everything Minya are the ones who saved and destroyed this world the insects were destroying it and we managed to save it. Our masters made it our new home the metal beasts with insects in them keep coming back to fight but guess what there are fewer and fewer of the now and so this crazy world known as "Earth" it is our home. Our brand new home i will miss my old home but this one is full of newer more interesting things i love exploring with my sister Minya. We never did see our parents in this new home maybe they are like the countless of others who have just disappeared over time because of those metal beasts.
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