Wednesday, June 11, 2014

so debating and i want help(comment please comment on this one)

So. Have a story i wrote last summer and im debating whether i want to send it to a publisher and the only thing is i stink at proofreading so please if u think i should send it to a publisher or not comment below please i need feedback soon this thing is stuck on my mind and i really want feedback also if u dont mind proofreading let me know and i can hook u up with a piece of my story its called an angels life


  1. If you want, i can take it, proofread it, and type it for you.

  2. Its 60 something pages long and already typed i just need a proofreader and we r already working on a story

  3. I'm good at proofreading things as long as I'm not the author.

  4. Keep up the good work Bree! PaPa and I are really proud of you.
