By Bree M. and Dorian R.
Disclaimer:This is a Fanfiction of a movie called Pacific rim and i own no one and nothing of pacific rim.
Raleigh's speech is from the original movie i do not take credit for anything or any of the characters from the movie i only wrote this for enjoyment not to sell. I also do not own the pictures in this story. (also white and blue will be who wrote what me and my co author both wrote as our character in the story!)
The Jaegers:
Storm Death:
Death Knight:
Gypsy Danger:
Shock Trooper:
Black Knight:
Shadow Hawk:
Silent Vigilante:
Golden Sun:
Romeo Blue:
Nightmare Moon:
(The Avenging Jaeger): It may look like Storm Death but it is half the size of Storm Death and was designed alike so Alice could pilot it, if she had chosen it over Storm Death and Kyle. It also has a chain sword on each arm that can be used if the main weapon is destroyed which is a giant double scythe. The double scythe is shown beside the Jaeger.
Chapter 1:Deployment
(Raleigh's speech first)
"When I was a kid, whenever I'd feel small or lonely, I'd look up at the stars. Wondered if there was life up there. Turns out I was looking in the wrong direction. When alien life entered our world, it was from deep beneath the Pacific Ocean. A fissure between two tectonic plates. A portal between dimensions. The Breach. I was fifteen when the first Kaiju made land in San Francisco. By the time tanks, jets and missiles took it down, six days and 35 miles later, three cities were destroyed. Tens of thousands of lives were lost. We mourned our dead, memorialized the event, and moved on. And then, only six months later, the second attack hit Manila. Then the third one hit Cabo. And then the fourth. And then we learned, that this was not gonna stop. This was just the beginning. We needed a new weapon. The world came together, pooling its resources and throwing aside old rivalries for the sake of the greater good. To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own. The Jaeger program was born. There were setbacks at first - the neural load to interface with the Jaeger proved too much for a single pilot. A two pilot system was implemented, left hemisphere, right hemisphere, pilot-controlled. We started winning, Jaegers stopping Kaijus everywhere. But the Jaegers were only as good as their pilots. So Jaeger pilots turned into rock stars, danger turned into propaganda, Kaijus into toys. We got really good at it... winning. Then... then it all changed." Raleigh Beckett had closed the breach, but there was still residue on it from the rock. It coalesced, reopening the breach six years after it closed.
Well its gonna hurt Kyle its your spine they are attaching. Lets go we'd better hurry before the before Marshall Burkhart court martialls us Kyle told Alice. Alice grabs his hand and they walk hand in hand down to deployment. they get down there and Marshall yells at them "we had to wait on you two lovebirds to get your asses down here for deployment, there is a city of people in trouble and you chose then to be slow!" Alice says " yes sir i know." we get suited up into the exo-suits and get hooked into the pod. Alice is right hemisphere and her boyfriend is left hemisphere. Kyle says "hey beautiful ready to be in my head?" Alice says "sounds great ready to be in mine?"
In the command center, Marshall Burkhart watches the progress of the pilots suiting up.
"pod is ready for the drop,sir." Says head-tech Angel.
"Launch pod."
"Sir , pod secured."
"Good. Initiate neural handshake."
"Bring up the comm. I have their orders,"
Burkhart said "let's hope they can follow them."
"Neural handshake at 100%,sir"
"Good. Storm death, your orders are to hold the coastline from Tokyo to Hiroshima at all costs. Clear?"
"Yes, sir," Kyle reported. "Hold the coastline. Got it. Should be easy, right Alice?"
"Hell yeah."
"Don't let it get to your head, you two. You might be the best damn pilots to ever step foot In a Jaeger, but that doesn't mean your infallible," Burkhart reprimanded them.
"I know, even the greatest fall. Stacker Pentecost, Charles Hansen, Raleigh Beckett, Mako Maori, and the Wa-Tang triplets. They are greats."
"Exactly. Nobody will ever be like them. Now, get to your post. Death knight will be an hour behind you."
"Roger that. Storm out," Kyle said "FUCK!"
"What, Kyle?"
"Didn't you hear him, Alice? They are deploying knight right behind us. We don't stand a chance if a category 5 comes through!"
"What makes you say that?"
"I've been its pilots, Mark + Jax, in fist-fights, they are hopeless. How bad do you think they will be with their lives on the line? The kaiju would kill them," Kyle explained. " they might even hurt us in the process."
"You think they would?" Alice sounded horrified.
"No, not intentionally, but you never know. Mark + Jax started out ad mark 2 pilots. Now they're piloting the biggest piece of kick-ass in the whole damn Jaeger program, the second and so far only surviving mark 5. They aren't used to to the digitized Jaeger. When they're in it, they fight like its their old mark 2. Mark 2 pilots in a mark 5 can be unpredictable and dangerous," Kyle said. "I'm calling command to pull them out."
"Angel here. What is it, storm?"
"Requesting permission for you to pull death knight back. We are concerned they might endanger our well-being."
"Copy that. Pulling death knight back."
"Thanks angel."
"Anytime br...... HOLY FREAKING FUCK!"
"Kaiju on your six o' clock!!!"
"Shit! Foot thrusters, now!"
The foot thrusters engaged while they were turning, so the Jaeger shot into the air, flipped,and landed 30ft behind the kaiju. The kaiju itself looked like a mix between a rhino beetle and an enormous crab. Its claws were as big as the base of Tokyo tower.
"Alice, let's BURN THIS BITCH! deploy flame throwers!"
"Flamethrowers deployed!"
All of the sudden, a second Jaeger joined the fray, tackling the kaiju in a perfect football tackle.
"What the fuck are you doing,knight! Get back and stand down!" Kyle yelled.
"Deal with the one on your ass first! I got your 6!" Mark retorted.
Sure enough, before they could turn, a second kaiju lept from the water and started pummeling storm death.
"Shit!" Alice screamed.
"Plasma cannons , now!" Kyle ordered. "Empty the clip! Empty the clip!"
The body of the kaiju literally imploded in storm deaths hands. The body looked like a stick figure.
"Fuck! I'm losing CO2 coolant and my oxygen!" Alice exclaimed.
"Let's take care of this other fucker, then," Kyle said resolutely. "Death knight! Pull back! We're coming in hot!"
Death knight, seeing storm death bearing down with both swords deployed, jumped back as the kaiju was skewered. but the kaiju still had fight left. It started beating the shit out of the Jaegers head, breaking off the left side of the face.
"FUCK! IT WENT THROUGH THE HULL! IT WENT THROUGH THE HULL! Alice, look at me! You need to get --------" The kaiju rips Kyle from storm death.
Chapter 2: Memories
Luckily had grabbed onto a part of the kaijus head and was thrown into the water near shore and safely. he would be hurting though the way he had landed was going to cause a horrible bruise across his chest.When Kyle was ripped out of the Jaeger, Alice fell into the drift and every memory she remembered of Kyle flashed through her mind. she then came out of the drift and started to beat the shit out of the kaiju, she was pissed they had taken her Kyle from her! She then slowly began to pilot back to the Shatterdome and she barely made it back. she unsuited and ran to her and Kyle's room leaving their door wide open and there was no fucking way she was going to report to Marshall she only wanted him back she wanted her Kyle back! she did not come out or close the door only sat on the huge queen size bed they shared and did not leave the room. Kyle was found on shore and was taken by a family back to the Shatterdome. His vitals were then checked, he was told he was extremely lucky to be alive. Then they told him about Alice. "she killed the kaiju and was no where near normal when she returned. she hasn't left you room for a week and her vitals say she is there just not mentally. She is living in her memories, we fear she may end up like her mother did. Her father was killed by a kaiju, like you should have been but you got lucky. Her mother then piloted back alone, she then slipped into a coma which two years later killed her. They were the closest in a drift that we had ever seen before. Kyle you must wake her!" Alice sits in their room music blaring her iPod on repeat. she has a dead stare at the wall of photos she had made she stared at a cute picture of her and Kyle in front of storm death. she is curled up hugging Kyle's sweatshirt. she hadn't moved from that exact position in a week.
"Hey Alice , You need to wake up. I know you thought I was dead, but I'm not.The exo-suit saved my life. Although it looks as though it was used for a giant chew toy. You could die, just like your mother did.You NEED to wake up," Kyle told her softly, moving to sit beside her on the bed and rubbing her back. Other than barely audible mumble Alice was unresponsive.
Fuck it, Kyle thought, I'll head down to R+D to see if Nate and Dex can help. I NEED to wake her up!
As he walked, he contemplated the kaiju itself. He had never seen a kaiju get beaten by one jaeger, get skewered by another, and still almost kill a pilot. It was unheard of. I have to talk with Dex, he thought.As well as Temkishi Zhang.
He was surprised to see the lights off in the Research and Development Lab.Where's Dex? He usually lives in there. All of a sudden, he hears a giant CLANG! off to his right and then.....
"Ah shit!Goddamnit!Fuck!"
"Dex? is that you?", Kyle inquired.
"Yeah." Dex said as he walks out of an alcove. "What's up, Kyle? Oh sorry to hear about Alice."
"That's actually why I'm here. she hasn't left my room in a week. She is unresponsive to anything. She's living in her memories, Dex. What can i do?" Kyle said
"Well, it's simple. But it's also easier said than done. You have to drift into her memories with her."
"What the hell do you mean, 'drift into her memories'? Is that even possible?"
"Oh, it's very possible. It's also very,very dangerous. You see in order to drift into someone's mind, you first have to make sure you aren't actually IN the original memory. If you are, you have to change it, which could either force the person to lose their mind, or kill them instantly. Unfortunately for you, most of her memories have you in them, seeing as you've been with her since she was six,when her parents died. If you aren't in the original memory, then the sight of you should jolt her back to reality. If not, you'll have to convince her with words and actions that it isn't real," Dex explained.
"How soon can we do it?"
"We can start now. Can you bring her down here?"
"Yeah. It's 1900 hours now. I'll be back down by 2100 hours."
"Ok. I'll get the machine ready. Wait, why that late?"
"I need to talk to Temkishi Zhang about my jaeger. I'm gonna need it primed and ready to go for when Alice wakes up."
Chapter 3: Storm Death
Kyle walked slowly down to the Shatterdome, thinking bout Alice. Ho distraught she was ten years ago when she lost her parents. How she feels in his arms as she sleeps. How her laugh always seems to brighten his day. How she always smells of sweat, yet still smell like the most expensive perfume. How her lips feel on his. How she screamed as he was ripped from the jaeger. How devoid of emotion she seems, how gaunt she looks. How he watched her kill the kaiju by herself. So caught up in his thoughts that he almost walked right into a giant metal french flag.
"What the hell is this?"
"Kyle O' Connor, Meet the first of a new kind of mark 5 jaeger, Frappe Enamie. Unlike the other mark 5, Enamie is nuclear, like Storm Death. Built by the french, it's been stationed in the Sydney Shatterdome since she was built two years ago. Full Melee combat, no projectilles whatsoever, unless you count her elbow rocket." explained Temkishi Zhang, head jaeger designer for the Tokyo Shatterdome.
"That explains the flag," Kyle said. "Now enough about foreigners. How's my jaeger doing?"
"She's in a bad way, man. Had to take apart her whole back just to fix the interior damage. Almost all oxygen lines were ruptured. Had to CO2 tanks and lines for the coolant. Some of the hydraulics that work the arms were snapped in half, and that's just her torso. Both legs were practically crippled. They just got your left sword off the bay floor. We have to completely replace the head, since the whole left side is gone. We're gonna make the mask out of transparisteel and make the head itself out of adamantium. The nuclear core was damaged. Alice is lucky to have gotten back here. How is she, by the way? Any change?"
"None. Dex thinks he can help, but i don't know. He says it's dangerous. We both might die. Shit," Kyle said, looking at his watch. "I have to go meet him now. I'll come see you tomorrow for an update."
Kyle trudged slowly back to his room to get Alice. He started thinking about all the kaiju he and Alice had killed.especially their first, Leatherback. Leatherback was a mammoth, a mix between a Leatherback sea turtle and a water gorilla. They destroyed half of Nagasaki before he died. Then finally came Roka,Salamander,EMP,Shockwave,Su-Yen,Kikiko,and Bravo. Bravo was a bastard, to say the least. Bravo could technically be called a suicide bomber that failed. Bravo was like a giant pterodactyl, with wings like a bat. He had a hold of Storm Death and another jaeger , Black Hawk. Black Hawk's weapon system had failed, so it was up to Storm Death to free them. Storm Death sliced off one wing with a sword, and stabbed bravo with another, hitting the kaijus internal gas organ. The kaiju exploded, taking Black Hawk and almost Storm Death with it.Storm Death suffered a lot of damage as it us.
Kyle reached his room and opened the door. Alice hadn't moved in the two hours since he'd been gone. He walked over to the bed and scooped her up like she was nothing but a child. He walked back down to the Rand D where Dex was waiting.
Chapter 4: Drift
Kyle reached Rand D sooner than expected. "Put her over on the table," Dex said. "we should get started as soon as possible."
"How long will this take?" Kyle asked.
"However long it takes for you to wake her up," Dex said resolutely. "Alright, lay down next to her. Put your arm around her. It will work better if you are touching. Ok, I'm gonna put this helmet on you.You'll drift with her, but whatever memory she is thinking about will be latched onto, allowing you to enter.Find her, and wake her up as soon as possible, if you can't convince her kill her. Ready?"
"What?!?!?!?! As I'll ever be."
"She'll wake up, Initiating Neural Drift on my mark.3...2...1. Mark!"
"Oh,Owwwww. Shit!" Kyle heard her scream once again, only this time he was right beside her. "Alice! Wake up!"
"Kyle?!?!?!?! I just saw you get ripped out of the jaeger!!!!!"
"No, you didn't! This is a memory! It isn't real! You have to wake up!"
"NOOO! This is real! You are dead! Nobody can survive that fall!"
"LISTEN TO ME! I AM FINE! YOU on the other hand, are on the verge of death. You need to wake up, or you WILL die!"
"No I'm fine!"
\ "Then you leave me no choice. I'm sorry. I love you, Alice."
Out of nowhere, seemingly out of thin air, Kyle pulls out a survival knife. With anguish on his face, He impaled her through the stomach cutting through the exo-suit like butter.
The whole memory turned black, the Jaeger, the kaiju, Alice, and the surroundings fading to nothing. "I'm sorry," Kyle whispered, before succumbing to unconsciousness.
Chapter 5: Infirmary
Dex had carried Alice to the infirmary once the Neural drift broke. "Alice is getting her normal skin tone back, Kyle must have made it in time. They will end up waking up fine, it would all feel like just a dream for Alice," he said this to himself quietly. 5 days later, Alice wakes up after everything, Kyle was asleep next to her. She touches his hand to see if this is real and if he is actually alive. She feels he is alive and knows it in her mind. She gasps in shock, then squeals, and hugs him saying "Kyle i thought i would never see you again!" She hugs him tighter and lays her head on his chest. She listens to his heart beat, she is so focused on Kyle that she does not see that Dex and Temkishi Zhang have come in. Temkishi says Alice come with me, we need to talk. Dex you stay with Kyle and when he wakes bring him down to the Shatterdome. Alice gets up and follows him down the hall just walking as they talk. She says "so what do you need to talk to me about?" He says " You were hit with radiation from the nuclear core, you also piloted alone after kyle got ripped out of the Jaeger, and then you proceeded to destroy 3 kaiju into oblivion before coming back." Alice says "all that information is correct." He says "your bleeding." She wipes her nose with a tissue and says "I can still pilot i just cant overdo everything." He says "actually you are lucky, the same thing happened to you mom. Then after the incident her eyes would always glow a faint red whenever she fought in the jaeger. She is the only person to ever be able to pilot the Jaeger alone and not die or get injured from it. Alice you have your mother's trait and your perfectly healthy right now." Alice says oh um wow that's some pretty amazing news." she smiles then says "excuse me I'm sorry but it's been a week since i ate anything I'm starving and dehydrated. Can you bring Kyle to Storm Death's bay? I wanna watch them do repairs as i eat." He says "I sure can, Alice your very lucky to be alive." She nods then runs off to the combat room. She pulls out a kendo sword and begins to practice. Her nose slowly starts to bleed, but she did not notice because she is practicing with her eyes closed and couldn't feel it. She thought of Kyle and what had happened in the Jaeger. She mumbles a barely audible "i wont let them take him from me again, he is all i have left and they are not allowed to take him from me!" She fights harder against the small kaiju dummy. Kyle and Dex walk in having heard all the thuds of the stick against the dummy. They watch Alice fighting intently. Her eyes opened and could be seen glowing the red her mothers had always glowed. She then took one final hit at the dummy so hard the dummy broke in half as she fell to her knees out of breath. "Shit! I'm gonna be late to meet up with Kyle at Storm Death." She gets up her eyes no longer red, they were her normal sky blue now. She turns and sees Kyle and Dex staring at her in shock. I say "Why are you both staring at me? Did i do something wrong?"
"ummmmm......uhhhhh," Dex said dumbfounded.
"Well, you have radiation poisoning, which due to a genetic trait, doesn't harm you. You just sliced a metal practice kaiju dummy in half with what is essentially a wooden dowel rod, and you are still recovering from living in your memories. Other than that, you're fine. Do you need to go back to our room and get a shower?" Kyle asked.
"Yeah, I probably should. Wanna join me?"
"Ok, ew. Disgusting," Dex said with a sourlook.
"I would, but i have to report to Marshall Burkhart to tell him you are ok," Kyle said. "I'll walk you to our room though."
As they started walking, Alice asked Kyle, "what happened while i was in my memories?"
"What is the last thing you remember?"
"Climbing onto our bed and staring at the picture of us on the wall. Why?"
"In your memories, you kept reliving me getting ripped out of the Jaeger. I couldn't make you wake up from the outside, so with Dex's help, i drifted into your memories with you. I still couldn't convince you. Dex had told me i could wake you one of two ways: 1) Convince you with words and actions, or 2) kill you in the memory. I couldn't convince you, so i had to take drastic measures.
"You killed me?"
"Yes, and I'm sorry for it."
"Why? Did i feel pain?"
"No. The knife entered your stomach in an upward angle, puncturing your lungs and killing you instantly."
"Then you have nothing to feel sorry for. You SAVED me. I'm fine, and not going nowhere. I love you."
"I love you too."
By this time, they had reached their room. Alice stood on her toes and kissed Kyle.
"I'll see you in a few."
They kiss one more time before going their separate ways. Kyle walks to Marshall Burkhart's quarters and knocks twice.
Kyle enters and snaps to attention.
"At ease. What can i do for you, Mr. O' Connor?"
"Sir, I was just coming to let you know that Alice is alive and well."
"Answer me two questions,Kyle. One, do you know the name of your Jaeger's prototype? Also two, do you know who Alice's parents were?"
" The Jaeger's prototype was Gypsy Danger. Alice's parents were Michael and Vicki Hargrave," Kyle said.
"No, not her adoptive parents. Her REAL parents."
"No, actually I don't."
"Who were the pilots of Gypsy Danger?"
"Raleigh Becket and his wife Mako Mor....HOLY SHIT!!"
Burkhart chuckled. "Yes, Alice's biological parents are Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori, My adopted daughter and my best pilot. I had no doubt she would make it through, because her parent's blood runs in her veins. Go to the Shatterdome. I hear Zhang has a surprise for you."
Chapter 6: Shock Trooper
Kyle retraced his steps from Burkhart's quarters back to those he shared with Alice. When he got there, he found her putting on her Mark 6 Exo-suit. Curiously, he inquired, "Why are you putting that on right now? Zhang wants us in the Shatterdome, in 15."
"Exactly. Suit up. Apparently he has a surprise for us." "That is exactly what Marshall Burkhart said. I don't want to know what it is. Let's go."
They walked down to the Shatterdome hand in hand, just as they did that first day where Kyle almost died. That was what both of them were thinking about, yet neither gave voice to their thoughts.
They walk into the Shatterdome to see a giant head on a crawler. They both look at it for a second and realize it is Storm Death's head.
"What the HELL, Zhang!" Kyle yells.
"Look, the damaging on you Jaeger is to extensive to be fixed in two days. We have to replace both legs, the left arm, the nuclear core, hydraulics, oxygen lines, CO2 tanks and lines, and the head. You guys are being deployed in an hour, so we had to get something fast. Until Storm Death is fixed, your riding in a new Jaeger," he explains. He looks over his shoulder and yells, "Open Bay 6 doors!!"
Slowly, the doors creak open.
"Holy Fuck," Alice said in awe.
"Holy Shit," Kyle said mimicking Alice,
"Pilots, meet Shock Trooper. Built by the Germans, with help from the Spanish. She was stationed in Hong Kong until recently, when we had need of her, unexpectedly. She has a nuclear ion core, and instead of swords, has two double-bladed battle-axes that are strong enough to slice a Kaiju's skull plate like butter, yet delicate enough to peel a potato. Although that would be a misuse of military resources. Transparisteel 270' face mask with battle optics.This is one fine Jaeger," Temkishi Zhang explained.
Being 600ft tall and 375 ft wide, Shock Trooper was twice as tall as Storm Death, and 1.5 times as wide. "She is your temporary Jaeger," Zhang tells them.
Alice says "wow it's huge!" She says wait. Damn it! Holy Fucking Shit! Ummm i will be back. She runs out of the room crying, a brightly glowing necklace dangling from her neck. The Necklace had Gypsy Danger's symbol on a dog tag and said below the symbol We love you Alice! With Love, mom and dad, the symbol would glow whenever her parents were back.She says this stupid thing is broken, they are dead they can't ever come back! Kyle, Dex, Zhang and Marshall Burkhart heard her say that. Marshall Burkhart says "I should have remembered today is ten years exactly since her parents death, Kyle come with me!" Kyle follows Marshall Burkhart willingly. Zhang says Dex i will talk to her, you stay here! Alice had run to their room tears rolling down her face, she threw the necklace angrily across the room when she walked in. Zhang came into the room and Alice threw a knife next to his head and yelled "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!!!!!" So Zhang left and went to the Shatterdome. Dex runs to the Marshall's quarters where Kyle and Marshall Burkhart were at. Zhang walks into the Shatterdome and his jaw drops in complete shock. Standing in front of Death Knight is Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket. He says in his mind "how?" Mako says "Those damn idiots messed with our Jaeger babe!" Raleigh says "calm down honey, we can have them fix it." Marshall says "Kyle I already told you they had died but their bodies were never found. They had gone out in the jaeger when Alice was six and Alice was watching from the bay doors sitting close to the water holding her necklace. She knew it would always glow while they were out in the jaeger fighting and it would glow even brighter when they were coming back, but it had stopped glowing and their jaeger exploded and they were killed and Alice had seen it all through the bay doors. Her mom was air lifted back and was in a coma for a year in her memories. The explosion of the core had mostly hit her husband Raleigh." Marshall shows Kyle the reports in the newspaper and says "Then when she got adopted she stayed for one half of her first night at her adoptive parents house then she in the middle of the night snuck out of the house and ran all the way back to this Shatterdome. She has never left since. At that moment Dex runs in and yells "MARSHALL!!!!" "They have come back Marshall, this is insane you must see this!!!!" Marshall says "who is the they?!?" Dex says "the famous ones Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket, sir." Kyle and Marshall look at Dex wide eyed, Kyle says "how, they are dead the reports and the pictures show no survivors and her mother had died in a coma!" Alice sat in their room crying and clutching a picture of her parents in front of their first Jaeger Gypsy Danger which was the prototype for her and Kyle's Jaeger. She then started to cry harder and crawled onto the couch they had in their room and curled up and fell asleep crying. Tears stained her cheeks. Raleigh and Mako walk into Marshall's quarters and say "Kyle, Marshall, and Dex wow you all are still here wow that's not surprising." Marshall says "I will explain." We were not feeling very well we both got really really sick and so we had clones made for that type of situation. The clones were created four years after we lost Gypsy Danger. Those clones had piloted Death Knight we left while you all watched our clones go out in Death Knight. We went to a nearby hospital and they told us we both had cancer. That's why we were gone so long, The whole cancer thing was a story made up by the doctor it only ended up being pneumonia. Which we obviously survived so we finally got all the situations solved and we came back finally able to go in the Jaeger Program again. I mean we have seen our Jaeger which got rebuilt from the explosion and it needs some fix ups to be a good ride again.
Marshall says "Kyle get Alice down here now. She will want to see this!" Kyle comes in the room and I'm still half asleep but up and at the door in a couple seconds a knife to his neck. i drop the knife when i realize its him. I say "Kyle its just you I'm sorry, I thought it was an intruder. Anyways why are you here you know i normally just spend this day alone because its just so stressful on me." He says "I know but just close your eyes and let me lead you i have a surprise that is going to fix this whole day forever." i close my eyes and let him lead me. Meanwhile, Mako says "also we have noticed that while we were gone that more of the Jaegers have become nuclear. Now because of thew radiation some of the pilots re dying way before they are supposed. We came up with a cure for it while we were gone." Mako hands it to Marshall who hands it to Dex. Marshall says "duplicate this cure immediately." Dex runs out of the room with it in his hand. Kyle leads me into a room where Mako and Raleigh are. I say "can I open my eyes now?" He says "yes." i open them and say "mom dad mom dad mo"....... I passed out from the sheer shock of seeing them alive. Raleigh say "Marshall is that Alice?" "yes sir, that is your daughter. Quite strong for a girl pilot, her and kyle are definitely drift compatible. They have had 6 kills in storm death, they make a hell of a team." Marshall replied. Mako says "Kyle wow you have really grown up since the little boy i last saw you as. You have taken such wonderful care of Alice and you gave her the dream she wanted of being a pilot." Kyle says "thank you but um are we still allowed to date?" She says "of course you both can still date silly. Just because we came back to be her parents and be pilots again does not mean you can't date." I wake in my dad's arms and he says "welcome back my little girl." i say are "are you real, are you actually alive, is this a dream?" He says "look at your necklace then you tell me if this is a dream." He glances down at the small pendant which was glowing. He says "it's glowing that means we are here and alive. That necklace always told you when you were little and when we were coming back in the Jaeger. Even if you were asleep and the glow of it woke you up you were given permission to go into the Shatterdome and greet us you know this. I hug him saying "dad i can't believe you both are alive." I smile at kyle ( a real smile not the fake cheesy one Alice is known for) while crying i bury my face in dads shirt crying. I say "ten years today, you guys were gone for ten years!" He says "shh it's ok." he slowly pets my back trying to soothe me. Then tragedy struck, i start coughing and blood comes up. Marshall says "oh i see now the trait is passed to the children if the parents are dead or just gone for a really long time. The genetic trait is wearing off now because her mother is back." Raleigh yells "Kyle, Marshall, or Dex damn it explain to me why is she bleeding?" Kyle says "Storm Death.......pilot.......alone." kyle was stuttering as he watched Alice coughing up all this blood. Marshall says "what is he trying to say is that when he almost died by getting ripped out of Storm Death, Alice had to pilot alone for a long time and got hit with radiation from the nuclear core, when it cracked during her fighting." Dex runs in and says "Mako here it's all duplicated now you and Raleigh keep this one in case something happens." She takes the one Dex just handed her and stabs it into my arm. i cringe and a tear runs down my face. The bleeding stops and my mom wipes the blood off my hands and the blood around my mouth. I go unconscious and everything is all warm, my body is all warm. Kyle says "let's bring her back to my and her room that way she can rest." Raleigh says "good idea Kyle." Dad lays me in bed and kyle lays me next to me and pulls me to his chest. I wake up and say "what is that sound?" Kyle listens as a roar sounds through the whole Shatterdome and the whole building shakes. I yell "KAIJU!" I say "unlucky for us kyle they have not finished Storm Deaths repairs. I run out of the room. Mako, Raleigh, and Kyle close behind me.
Chapter 7: Chaos
All of a sudden, they heard a great Metallic CLLLAAANNNNNGGGG!!!!!
"That was no kaiju. That was a jaeger breaking free of its coupling lines!" Kyle yelled.
"Shit! Shit! Shit! You two, get in SHOCK TROOPER! We'll ride on your six in BLACK KNIGHT! We have to stop that Jaeger!" Raleigh orders. "Go!"
They reach the Shatterdome among chaos Metal is lying everywhere, bodies lying misshapenly shaped under it. Death Knight is on a rampage.
Kyle and Alice managed to get up to Shock Trooper's head without dying, where they strapped in and manually initiated the Drift. They felt the usual rush memories, then calm. Mako and Raleigh did the same in Black Knight.
"Mark! Jax! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Kyle yelled.
The voice that answered was Mark's yet not. It was more gravelly, foreign.....alien. "The humans no longer live. We are using the machine you used to destroy us, to destroy you."
"Well, Mark, next time you go on a rampage, make sure you destroy the other Jaegers first," kyle said. As Death Knight stormed past Shock Trooper's fist lashed out, slamming into the rogue Jaeger's side, knocking him out the doors of bay 5, into the ocean.
"You two were always a security risk," Alice said, shearing off the right arm of the rogue." "It's time to finish this, Black, Hold him from behind!"
Black Knight had snuck up behind Death Knight and put the Jaeger in a headlock. Kyle and Alice walk over and use plasma cannons,axes and their fists to reduce Death Knight to scrap. The alien voice said before it died, this is only the beginning, the beginning of the calm before the storm."
"From scrap they come to scrap they go," Kyle said quoting and changing the old saying.
Marshall Burkhart came over the comm, yelling "what the hell are you pilots doing?!?!? You just destroyed a jaeger!"
"Marshall, look at what this jaeger did to the Shatterdome. 367 dead, double that wounded. This jaeger was a tool to destroy us. Somehow a kaiju got into Mark and Jax's mind, from there, it entered the jaeger itself. We did the program a favor."
"Fine, but since you're already deployed, head down towards the breach and do recon. We sent down Romeo Blue and Shadow Hawk, but we lost the comms. See what's wrong and report. Burkhart out.
Burkhart straightened up from the mic. I hope he can keep a cool head, he thought, thinking of Kyle. His father couldn't.
Chapter 8: Discovery
On the way to the breach, Kyle found himself thinking of Mark and Jax. they were so young, barely eighteen. Why did they have to die so early? He thought. Why?
"300ft from the drop and closing," Mako's voice said over the radio. "Watch the water, for both Jaeger's and kaiju's."
"Half a mile?!?!?!?! We can't see a damn foot in front of us!" Alice yelled.
"Then be........." Raleigh started. Then they saw the wreckage. Romeo Blue and Shadow hawk were reduced to rubble.
"Shock Trooper reporting in. Romeo and Shadow are gone. No kaiju signatures. The gashes that went through the nuclear cores look like they were done with a chain sword." Kyle said.
Burkhart's voice came over the radio, saying "Only two Jaegers today have chain swords. Shadow Hawk, who is dead, and Silent Vigilante, a Jaeger we lost 10 years ago. It went out , but never returned, yet it isn't dead. It vanished. We lost contact after it had been out for 24 hours. Vigilante must have gone rogue."
"We're coming back. Then, we're going after Vigilante. Raleigh out," Raleigh said.
When they returned to the Shatterdome, Burkhart was waiting for them. "Kyle,Raleigh your coming with me to the file locker, now. Mako, Alice get out of your gear and freshen up."
"Yes, sir."
"Alright. Dismissed."
"And, Alice, if i catch you listening at the door, you will lose your jaeger. Clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Alright. Dismissed."
The trio at a door that simply said File Locker. Burkhart unlocked the door with a skeleton key. "Impossible to pick. They don't make picks sturdy enough to push he tumblers anymore," he said. Burkhart enters the room and walks behind the desk.
"Gentlemen, sit," he tells Kyle and Raleigh." Nothing we say leaves this room. Clear?"
"They both answer with "yes sirs.""
"Good." Burkhart walks over to a shelf, pulls down a box after looking for a couple seconds, then walks back to the desk. He sits down and pries the lid off the box saying, "This box contains the files on Silent Vigilante, and her pilots. Either of you want to guess as to who her pilots were?" When they don't answer, he says "you both know them." He tosses two files on the desk and opens them. "Meet Charles 'Chuck' Hansen and his wife, Selena."
"What the FUCK!!!!! Chuck is dead! Him and Marshall Pentecost committed a suicide run to clear the way for Gypsy to get to the breach! I watched him die!" Raleigh exploded.
"No, you didn't. You see, after he strapped back into Striker Eureka, Pentecost hit his pod button just as the nuke was going to blow. the pod was heavily damaged with all comms fried. It had been carried 200 miles out to sea when it was picked up by a passing oil cargo ship. They took him on board and nursed him back to health. That's where he met Selena.
She was the captain of the ship. She personally nursed him, eventually falling in love with him. They came to the program seven years later with a newborn son. You, Kyle. Your real name is Kyle James Hansen. Your parents and their jaeger disappeared when you were two months old."
"Do you know anything else about what happened?" Kyle asked. "To the jaeger and my parents i mean."
Burkhart throws another file on the desk saying "the file on Silent Vigilante and BAS, or Breach Attack Squad."
"What was the BAS? I have never heard of them." Raleigh said.
"The BAS was an elite squad of Jaegers. These Jaegers were special, Our R and D team, back then it was still Herman Gottlieb and his partner Newton Geizzler, devised a way to incorporate kaiju DNA into the muscle strands of the jaeger itself, allowing the jaeger to enter the breach.
Twenty Jaegers made up the squad. the last mission was a failed attempt to close the breach. All twenty went out. Eighteen came back. One that we lost was called Golden Sun. Lost her before they made it into the breach. Category 5 came out as she went in, and sliced her right in half. The other, Silent Vigilante, simply vanished. Soon after, the unit was disbanded. Romeo Blue and Shadow Hawk were the last two.
We also have reports of a dark green jaeger that matches Silent Vigilante's description perfectly appearing in Earth's water ways. Any questions?"
"No sir," they both said.
"Good. Go back to your quarters and await further instruction. Dismissed," Marshall said with a wave.
Chapter 9: Possession
Alice had been sitting in the room with her mom after she had taken a shower and put on a fresh pair of clothes. She layed on the bed like she was gonna go to sleep. She then saw a little box on Kyle's desk side table. Her mother had gone back to her and Raleigh's room to relax and take a short nap, she was exhausted. Alice was now alone in her and Kyle's room. She picked up the small box then opened it so see a small ruby and diamond engagement ring she gasped in shock and dropped it. The box clattered to the floor her hands shaking she says he is going to marry another girl her eyes held sorrow. then she picked up the box put it in her pocket then went and stood outside Kyle and her room door staring at the file room. She wondered why she couldn't go in there with Kyle and her dad too. She then suddenly heard a voice talking in her head. It was talking about Kyle and wait his parents. Who was this voice it was foreign and it sounded like Mark's and Jax when they had to kill them it was gravelly. She heard her mom yelling her name as she came down the hallway and so she snapped out of it grabbed her sneakers and her ipod. She quickly put on her sneakers and ran out of her room past the file room. She saw a small skull key on the floor left it there and ran past it. She heard the file door open as she ran past and Marshall came out first. He saw Alice running and yelled "BECKET MY OFFICE NOW!!!!!" Alice did not hear a word Marshall said because she had her ipod blasting music in her ears already. Raleigh who was now standing next to Kyle straightened at Marshall's yell. Alice's 17th birthday was today but she didn't care no one made a big deal anymore. No one ever remembered her birthday. She got to the gym found the track and started running. All she wanted right now was to curl into Kyle's arms and sleep this day away, like she had done for so many years. Her parents had always made a big deal when she was younger. She was thinking so much she didn't feel the burning in her eyes. They had turned red and she didn't see the kaiju outside the window either. She went to switch her ipod to the song monster but found for some reason it was already on. She then began to run fast around the small track in the gym they had. Her thoughts began to consume her between the kaiju she had fought. Also wondering why she couldn't be with Kyle right now. She then felt the worst pain ever and fell to her hands and knees. She mumbled pause and her music stopped, she threw her ipod away from her and the kaiju was gone from the window as she screamed out in pain. her heart felt as though it was repeatedly being clawed to death. her head hurt the worst it felt as though someone was driving nails through it over and over again. she screamed as the pain rippled throughout her body and only got worse. The scream echoed throughout every hallway and room in the whole building. Her hearing became heightened so much she heard everything in the building. Her eye sight sharpened to the point where she could see dust on the other wall of the gym. She looks around amazed then sees Kyle and Raleigh. Mako then comes in behind them and points to me saying there she is! I back against the wall when the pain once again shoots through me. i fall to my hands and knees once again but my breathing getting heavy. I try to talk to them but find i cannot speak i am actually trapped in my mind. I'm not the one controlling my own body right now although the thing controlling me knows seeing Raleigh is a bad sign.I can hear crying and the thing controlling me makes me look and i see Marshall trying to comfort my crying mother in his arms. Marshall says "Raleigh what has happened to Alice?" Kyle hesitantly says is Alice still alive with you in there? i wanted to reassure him that I'm ok but the thing spoke for me. It said "yes all of you relax your precious human is still alive, for now." It mumbled the for now.
The kaiju in me makes me laugh but Kyle and Raleigh can see the small tear run down my face. I get into a lunging position. Just as i lunged Raleigh pushed Kyle behind him and caught me and threw me into the wall. My Mother Mako watched in fear as my dad did this to me. i fought back and could see a little one my own and visibly you could see one of my eyes went from the red back to my normal sky blue. Raleigh then moved lightning fast dropped me from the wall and suddenly had kyle at the edge willing to kill him to bring me back. i look to see a sword to Kyle's throat tightly pressed enough to cause a small cut. I move away from the both my back pressed against the wall. i punch the wall and then put all my strength into forcing the kaiju out of my mind. I succeed and fall to the ground and cough up blood. I look up both eyes blue once again and say dad, Kyle, mom i can't see anything help me up please. My dad dropped the sword because i hear it clatter to the ground and Kyle runs to my side to help me. I stand up with Kyle's help just as my vision fully comes back i say Kyle What happened to me? The voice in me it told me about you about your parents and their jaeger. Mako walks over and covers up my eyes and says " me and your father have a surprise for you, let us lead you." i nod a little then feel Kyle's hand take mine and i relax not as tense. We walk into the Shatterdome i can tell from the sound of the big bay doors opening up and the crawlers moving. Mako moves her hands and i open my eyes to see a foreign jaeger then i realize which one it is. I say "wow Storm Death's repairs make her look much better." i turn and see another Jaeger named Nightmare Moon. My eyes flash red then i say Storm Death and Kyle. Then comes the tragedy, i walk towards Nightmare Moon. My vision gives out an i pass out and then wake up and I'm falling into the breach in Nightmare Moon. I go through the breach and hear everyone yelling over the comms.
"Alice! What the hell are you doing!" Raleigh yells.
"I don't know! I can't remember anything! I don't know how i got here!" Alice screams back.
"Well, you knocked me out, drug me behind you, climbed into Nightmare Moon and set off for the breach. That about sums, it up," a voice said behind her. A voice she would recognize anywhere.
"Kyle! What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Making sure you didn't do anything stupid. Let me pilot Nightmare Moon. We may be drift compatible, but we both know I'm the better fighter.
"You can't, you'll die from radiation poisoning. I'm the only one who can."
"This Jaeger is designed for one pilot. I might die, but i would die a million times if it meant saving you."
"But you have no suit."
"I'll do without. unstrap and get on the cot. It's gonna be a bumpy ride," Kyle said.
Alice did as she was told. She sat down and strapped in, watching Kyle do the same. She was surprised to see how much more confident and strong he looked piloting himself. He almost became a whole new person.
"Loccent, this is Kyle Hansen. I have assumed control of the Jaeger Nightmare Moon. I'm piloting it into the breach. I have Alice Becket with me. We're going to see if the breach can be closed again. Over and out."
"Kyle, are we gonna die?" Alice says in a mumble.
Kyle looks at her shocked that she would ask that morbid question. Kyle says we are going to be fine Alice, Stay calm babe. She knew the truth though that one pilots only had one evacuation pod. Only one of them would survive this and she wanted it to be him. She gets up off the cot after writing something and putting it into the small box. she says kyle i won't allow you to die and if one of us has to die then i would rather it be me instead of you. She says there is no saving me from this Kyle she gives him a kiss then presses the evacuation pod button after putting the small box in Kyle's hand. She says i love you Kyle forever. She watched the pod get shot out and go back through the breach into their world. She says into the comm I'm sorry daddy your going to have to keep Kyle safe for me, send the choppers to his aid. She turns off the comms as she strapped in once again. Then she flipped the switch back on and she said with the calmest voice "I Alice Becket have regained control of the jaeger Nightmare Moon and my copilot and boyfriend Kyle Hansen is in the ocean please send the choppers for him. Also i will be closing the breach in t minus six minutes. The detonation clock then started and Alice unhooked and went and layed on the cot.
Kyle's pod opened and he sat up quickly and opened the engagement ring box. The small note fell into his lap it read,
Dear Kyle,
I was in our room with my mom waiting for you to come back. When i rolled over and saw this on your bedside table i became curious so i peeked. Whoever it's for i know they will love it as much as i love you. That girl will be the luckiest girl in the world to have you. I know your safety is ensured by me closing the breach. Thank you for being there for me when i needed you most your an amazing man. Keep Storm Death safe it's my gift to you.
Your girlfriend Alice
Chapter 10: Last Moments
Alice layed there on the cot curled up as the detonation clock counted down in the background every word it says is going through the comm. Marshall, Raleigh, Mako and the tech team could hear the countdown over the speakers. She began to fall asleep to her mother and father's pleas to turn off the detonation and come back. The she started to hear Kyle over the comm but no it wasn't the comms it was the radio next to the comm. This meant that if he had a radio that the choppers had just picked him up and he was safe now. She then began to think about all her best moments with Kyle. He was there when she got angry at Marshall and punched their room door which was why there was a dent in it. Kyle had stuck with her through the thick and thin of her life. She saw the door to enter the Jaeger open as the last minute was announced throughout the Jaeger. Someone who looked like Kyle entered with a woman except the man was a lot older than Kyle. Alice's phone then rang and began to play Not gonna die by Skillet. ( ). She presses accept then lets her emotions pull her into the black depths of sleep as Kyles voice kept begging for her to come back. His voice had soothed her to sleep. She felt herself get picked up and her phone still in her hand clutching it with her life. the song continued to play even though kyle's voice was still there. The man and woman were yelling about the override code to stop the detonation which their wasn't one she had set it that way. she then slipped fully under into her sleep remembering every moment she had ever spent with Kyle and just replays them over and over in her mind. She knows that kiss will probably be the last time she feels his lips against hers, the last time she would feel his arms wrap around her in a tight but safe embrace,the last time he would be so close to her. the last time she would gaze into his hazel eyes and wonder what she would do without him there by her side. She then remembered what it was like without him there, the world had grown dark, sad, lonely, and dreary without him. He was her world, her everything, her warrior, her soldier, and her life. she wondered if this was the end? Had she died so quickly she had felt no pain? She wondered if she opened her eyes what her small slice of heaven would look like? No, she didn't want to open her eyes because that would mean leaving her Kyle behind. the only one person she would never be willing to leave behind. She heard what sounded like her mother, father, and kyle asking her to open her eyes. She didn't want to open them for fear that this was only a trick of the devil to deceive her of her loved ones, to force her to leave her Kyle behind. She tryed to move her hands to push thew voices away but they felt as heavy as stone.
So sadly she would not be able to use them to push away these voices of deception. So she dared a small peak. She slowly opened her eyes to see, the man and woman standing behind a sleeping Kyle who was holding one of her hands. she then turned her head and saw her mother Mako crying and her father Raleigh trying to comfort her. She completely opens her eyes and says in as much of a voice as she can muster up "Mom, Dad, Kyle?" She sits up and painfully hugs Kyle tightly crying into his neck/shoulder. She thinks and he won't die i gave him my blood trait by biting her lip before kissing him. She then says Kyle i never expected i would see you again. She then feels the cords and pulls back to see Kyle has an I.V and is hooked up to machines. The woman behind him named Selena says "Kyle will not wake, you have been asleep for a month. Marshall then proclaimed you dead three weeks ago, when Kyle found out he fell under and hasn't moved since then." Alice says "DAMN IT KYLE!!!!!! You fell in like i did, I can't lose you!" she curled onto his lap and full on kissed him praying he would wake up. Dex comes in and says the breach is closed but the residue on a rock says it will reopen in a year and a half.
Chapter 11: Peace
Alice saw Dex and that was the end of her sitting on kyles lap that wasn't working. even Raleigh could not hold Alice back her face completely emotionless as she walked towards Dex she pulled a dagger out and put it to Dex's neck after slamming him into a wall she said in a very foreign like voice it was a very demanding voice but sounded still like Alice in a way. she said you will help me save kyle from his memories if you value your life! Dex says I will help you bring him back for you, for I know his plan for when he wakes up. she says what then drops the dagger and walks back to kyle saying ok thank you Dex I will bring him down to research and development. Marshall comes in and says Alice Becket wow you just don't die do you? she says I don't know do I look dead to you?!?!?!?! also prepare storm death make sure the repairs are done I have a feeling that when the breach reopens its not gonna be good at all. she looks at Selena and bows then smiles and then looks at Charles. she says you are very different from what my dad has told me about you, thank you both for saving my life. he nods to me and sticks out his hand. she shakes his hand firmly smiling. she then turns and picks up Kyle Mako, Raleigh, Selena, and chuck all look at her shocked. she says he is not heavy and I hope you all are not planning on asking to help carry him cause the answer is no! she moves his bangs out of his eyes and kisses his forehead saying its my turn to save you now. she looks sad then and says so I can give you to another girl who that ring was for. she then couldn't help but to think how adorable he looked asleep. she walked into research and development and layed Kyle on the table where she had once laid. Dex instructed her as he had kyle but Alice curled into kyles side then laid a hand on his chest. Dex put the helmet on her. then she was suddenly pulled in Dex never had a mark this time she slipped right into the memory with Kyle. she saw she was in a helicopter close to the breach Kyle sitting in the front seat crying lightly while clutching the radio in his hand then a huge explosion ripped through the breach and then water exploded everywhere some even went on the helicopter. she grabbed Kyle's shoulders and said "wake up!" he turned and looked at her with a sad face and tears rolling down his face then he realized who it was and he looked at her shocked then everything started to fade and that's when Alice started to freak out not knowing what was happening. she wakes in research and development and says oh yeah that was only a memory silly me. She chuckles a little then the sad look crosses her face again she looks at kyle as he wakes up.
He says "Dex what the fuck why am I in here I should be with a....." He sees Alice and hugs her and she pushes him away and gets up walking out of the room and she says while walking out now you can go be with that other girl who the ring is for! she then runs to their room and curls into her blankets in her bed crying. Kyle comes in and walks over to her and pulls her into a kiss and opens the box and slips the ring on her finger. He says Alice will you marry me? she starts tearing up again but nods yes and smiles happily. she then curls into his chest and falls asleep for the night she wakes in kyles arms to her ringtone going off on her phone she picks it up and says hello? Mako says hello sweety! Alice says what the fuck mom its three in the morning what do u want!?!?!?! she says first don't give me attitude and two congrats and three when r we going dress shop...... Alice hangs up to tired to deal with it she throws the phone across the room she gets up to go to the bathroom and she looks in the mirror her nose bleeding. she mumbles "give up the trait u get poisoning awesome." she grabs a needle out of the cabinet and stabs it into her thigh cringing in pain. she says I guess that's what I get for trying to die by saving others she laughs a little then she hears the bedroom floor creaking a lot. she is in a black tank top with pj shorts her two thigh sheaths on and a gun in one hand in one sheath is a sword with a handle that has a ruby in it. the other is a dagger laced in deadly poison she carefully opens the bathroom door the dagger In her hand she goes to throw the dagger and sees the only people in the room is her kyle and Raleigh she says dad what the fuck do you want now?!?!?! he says oh i was just coming to check on you and kyle and when i knocked on the door no one answered i got worried. she says well get out! she pushes Raleigh out of the bedroom and slams the door she sets the gun on the bedside table and crawls back into kyles arms and falls asleep again to exhausted to care about answering the door or anything. Alice wakes alone in their room alone. She noticed every light in the room was off and she always had kept one on while she slept. She got up finding her flashlight and grabbed her gun. She walked out in just her pj's.

Kyle ran down the hallway to her and says "the power went out in the whole building. Both of our parents ran out to do some errands. She nods to kyle then cringes when she sees his leg is cut up pretty badly. she says kyle your bleeding. He says yeah my leg hit the bedside table at the wrong angle. she says ok go sit on our bed and i will get the med kit. she hands him the flashlight so he can see the where he is going this time. She went into the bathroom grabbed the kit and came back out of the bathroom. she began to wrap his leg in gauze after cleaning it. the lights come on just as she finishes wrapping his leg. She stands and kisses him then as Mako walks in and grabs Alice away from Kyle. They get into a car and Mako takes all of Alice's daggers and her gun, Selena was driving. Chuck and Raleigh had taken kyle out as well after Mako and Selena took Alice. Alice had fallen asleep in her mothers lap when they were driving she had stayed asleep even when they pulled into the David's Bridal parking lot. Mako woke Alice and told her there was 1 month until the wedding. the ceremony and reception would take place in the Shatterdome. Their honeymoon destination was going to be a surprise from both their parents. Dress shopping had taken several hours to find just the right dress they had returned home at midnight. Selena carried her soon to be daughter in law to her and kyle's room where she set Alice in bed to sleep. Kyle, Raleigh, and Chuck still had not returned home yet and it seemed all their cell phones were off. They were only going tux shopping they didn't ever take nearly as long as dress shopping. She says my Charles bring our son home safely. Alice whines in her sleep the guys had still not come back by the next morning either. Alice just wanders around the Shatterdome and keeps staring at her ring and at Storm Death. Her eyes looked distant, she layed on Storm Death's foot and slept that way. Half way through the second night Alice slept alone, the door opens and in stumbles kyle with Chuck on his shoulder and Raleigh was in a wheel barrel passed out. Marshall, Dex, Angel, Mako and Selena run over to help Raleigh and Charles. Kyle says they went to a bar and got drunk after shopping and i had to carry them all the way back. Also mom where is Alice? Selena says good job son and sleeping on Storm Death. she points to Alice who just looks like a pile of blankets on storm deaths foot. Kyle climbs up and then pulls her into his arms. He then carries her back to their room as she is whimpering his name in her sleeping form. He lays her in bed then tucks her in. He then decided to go take a shower in the bathroom they shared. Alice wakes when the water turns on. She says who the fuck is in my and Kyle's room? she picks up the poison laced dagger and sleepily walked to the bathroom door. she opened the small door and threw the dagger at the glass shower door. The glass shatters and kyle hastily grabs for his towel and wraps his lower half in the towel. Alice who is still half asleep says "that was a warning shot the next one won't fail to miss your head! This is mine and my fiances room leave or die!" Kyle steps out of the shower and says "woah Alice, babe put down the daggers, please?" She says "Kyle?" he replies back "yes babe, it's me." She drops the daggers and they hit the tile floor clattering to the ground and she runs and hugs Kyle, Kyle slips and they land in a rather awkward position Alice had landed hard on the floor Kyle landed on top of her. Alice's face was the brightest shade of red. She says "I am sorry I slipped on the floor then you slipped I umm it was an accident." Kyle gets off her saying "it's ok", he helps her up and she looks away saying your missing something Kyle. he grabs the towel off the floor his face now red too. she steps outside the door and waits as kyle gets dressed. as soon as he opens the door she hugs him saying "what happened to you kyle? you were gone for two full nights i was so worried! " He says "our dads got drunk after we went shopping and since i don't get my license for another couple days i had to carry them all the way back here." She says "then you should get some sleep babe. I will lay with you until you fall asleep but then i must go train." He smiles and says there is a cot in the combat room i will sleep there while you train so i can watch until i fall asleep." she nods and they both walk to the combat room. Alice began to train as Mako, Raleigh, Selena and Chuck came in and she turned to see who it was and they all saw her train. She broke 5 metal dummies with the kendo sword she had in her hands. She turned and they saw her eyes were red she said so who is next?
Raleigh and chuck picked up some kendo swords and said we are next. Alice says this shall be a lot of fun. She lunges at using the same moves from her trials. She flipped Raleigh over her shoulder, he landed on his back and she put the sword to his heart saying "your out!" She then heard a battle cry from behind and dodged Charles direct sword charge. She grabbed him from behind at the shoulders. She puts the sword to his neck saying "your out!" He goes to protest and say he isn't but Alice wasn't having any of that she flips him over her shoulder and puts the sword to his heart "Your out!" He looks at Raleigh and says "you have got quite a strong daughter there." Kyle then gets up and walks over to her and says "let's show them how this done babe." He picks up a sword and so does Alice they had always trained against each other with the real ones not wooden dowel rods. They start out different than their candidate trials. They were perfectly matched blocking the others moves. They then somehow ended with the same move as their candidate trials and both were beyond exhausted. Raleigh, Mako, Chuck, and Selena stand there dumbfounded. Raleigh says "an exact compatibility." Chuck yells "HOLY FREAKING FUCK!!!!! An exact compatibility that's never happened before! Ive never seen that before its amazing to watch!" Mako grabs Alice and says "ok enough fun for tonight say goodnight to kyle sweety tomorrow is the big day!" Alice's eyes back to her normal sky blue as she walked over and hugged kyle. She then goes on her tiptoes and kisses him very passionately and says that's gonna have to hold you over until tomorrow. She says i love you Kyle. He says I love you more my Alice he leans down and kisses her. They then separate Mako, Selena, and Alice head to a hotel for the night. Kyle, Chuck, and Raleigh all spend the nights in their rooms for the nights. Marshall, Dex, Temkishi Zhang, and Angel set up the Shatterdome flowers and everything is set up for when Alice arrives. Alice thought happily, she had almost died two and a half months ago. She was now alive thanks to her now fiance's parents. She heard her mom calling her name and she turned her head to see her mom holding her dress. The dress was an Elegant A Line One Shoulder Lace up with a Chapel Train , in short a really beautiful dress. She also had her mother do her hair all up and for some reason her red hair decided to cooperate today.
Chapter 12: Happiness
Alice got into the car sitting outside the hotel and Selena drove to the wedding. They all got there and out of the car and Mako and Selena walked Alice to Raleigh who was waiting by the bay doors. Kyle stood inside nervously. Alice never thought this day would come to pass and when she did she did not think her father would be there to walk her down the aisle. She had feared two years ago that her parents had really died 10 years ago. now her father was walking her down the aisle. Raleigh and Alice walked slowly down the aisle as Alice looked up at kyle and got lost in his eyes. She walked up to kyle her father giving her to him. They then stood in front of the priest as the vows started and then the priest got to there separate vows. Kyle spoke his first and they were absolutely sweet and she had begun to cry a little. then it was Alice's turn to speak her vows she read them off so she would say everything she wanted to tell him.
"Kyle you were the only one there when i had thought i lost my parents so many years ago, we had only been 6 years old then, and you have still stuck by my side up until this day where we promise to stick right where we are. Right by each other's side you've taught me it's ok to have fear but to keep fighting for what i love. The thing i love most is you Kyle." The priest said the words and they said i do. Alice was then pulled into a kiss and everyone cheered and she was smiling so brightly. A truly one of a kind real smile. Nest thing she knew she was in a car in Kyle's arms and his parents were driving the car. There was only one thing that was worrying her at this moment and it was Marshall;s last words to her before she left with Kyle. The Marshall said that before the breach reopens they would make Kyle choose between piloting their jaeger or a one pilot jaeger. she wanted him to choose Storm Death and her but she didn't want to hold Kyle back from his full potential. Kyle looked at her worriedly and asked if she was ok, she nodded and said "yes I'm fine no worries sweety." He nodded and held her close as she fell asleep in his arms. She awoke to her phone dinging she looked at who they were from and she almost cryed from each one. There was a message from her mom, her dad, and Marshall. Her mom's said Congrats baby girl. Be happy but prepare for an ending if he chooses the one pilot. The next one was from her father It read be prepared my dear daughter i almost chose the one pilot over your mother. Kyle has the blood trait so be prepared sweety. The next was from Marshall and it was the harshest.
Dear Alice Becket,
Alice, Soldier, Dumb ass. Let's just say your wedding will mean nothing to him when i tell him his options. You will go back to being a Becket, because he is a soldier not a protector, not your warrior, he doesn't love you. You will see when he makes the choice, he will be the soldier and leave his wife for the power he craves. You saw how strong he looked when he faked saving you in the breach. You saw how much he loved piloting alone he hates having you in his head. He hates being in your mind! He is just like his father he does not give a flying fucking shit about you!!!!!!!
From, Marshall
P.S. Congrats Mrs. Hansen
Alice who is crying now as kyle sleeps soundly beside her. She opens the window and yells you mother fucker! he wouldn't do tha.....! she throws her phone out the window. She is now crying so hard she cannot speak a single word. Kyle wakes up and pulls her back into his arms and she crys into his chest as he softly sings her back to sleep not understanding what had occurred while he had been asleep. Charles says "well newly weds here we are." The honeymoon was a beautiful Cabin in the woods. It was a gorgeous honeymoon spot. Kyle says thank you to his parents and carries Alice inside and lays her on the couch as his parents carry their luggage. The parents say goodbye then leave them there and drive to a nearby hotel. ( * = I'm not gonna go into detail.) During the week they spent at the cabin they went swimming in the mountain springs, Hiking,*fun*, also walking around the cabin pelting each other with Nerf weaponry, and watched movies together on the couch. The last day of the week while kyle is cooking breakfast Alice screams. Kyle drops the pan on the floor and runs to Alice and says babe what's wrong? She looks at kyle tears of joy running down her face. She says Kyle I'm, I'm, I'm pregnant it's twins! Kyle looks at Alice dumbfounded then says Alice that's amazing he picks her up and swings her around. After that their parents picked them up and brought them back to the Shatterdome. For 10 months then she only heard from everyone about how kyle had to make the choice. They had doctors visits during then and etc. Today she had gone into labor but passed out for the whole thing. She wakes up to see Kyle holding a little girl Who had emerald green eyes and small black hair she decided to name the little girl Zoey. Alice held Zoey while smiling brightly. Kyle ended up naming Zoey's twin Luke which was the little boy he was holding. The little boy had sapphire blue eyes and brown hair. She smiled at both kids saying kyle they are so pretty. The couple was able to raise Zoey and Luke for 5 and a half months before Marshall called the whole family out of their room. Alice was shaking terribly as they walked out she was holding Zoey. Kyle had been holding Luke. Marshall says kyle in twenty minutes the breach is going to reopen you have the choice between fighting alone in the avenging jaeger nightmare moon or piloting in Storm Death with your wife!?!?! The breach alarm goes off and Alice yells "damn it!" and hands the kids to Mako. She says "mom watch the kids please."She yells "kyle make your choice then pilot that jaeger to the breach! Meet you there!" She runs to Black Knight, straps in, and heads for the breach. She isn't used to this jaeger though so she has trouble controlling it and fighting an eel like kaiju. The kaiju is tearing black knight to shreds and her body is getting all the damage also. The eel like kaiju goes for black knights hull and she blocks it as she sees two Jaegers being flown her way it was Silent Vigilante and the other is..... Storm Death!
Well, she thought to herself. Looks like Kyle made his choice. She says yes i still have life she couldn't help but tear up as she saw her lifelong jaeger Storm Death and knowing Kyle was with her still. Alice was a 17yr old girl who was about to make history if she lived. She opened the hatch and climbed on the head of black knight. She looked at Storm Death and thought of kyle then looked down at the rushing water below and was suddenly for the first time ever afraid of heights. If she didn't jump soon she would be eaten if she did jump she at least had a small chance of surviving. She looked at the head of storm death and saw Kyle was standing there like she was. Through all the metal grinding and blasts in the background she could hear kyle singing. She listened to him singing comatose over and over again. She then got a good running start and jumped. She was so scared that she closed her eyes when she jumped. she opened them and saw she was in Kyle's arms and all she could do is smile. He carried her through the hatch. She hadn't eaten anything before climbing into black knight. Her vision already blurring for she hadn't eaten anything for a week and had not drank anything for like three days. She had been training and then watching Zoey and Luke when she wasn't training. Hopefully Kyle would not notice the haziness in her eyes when they drifted. She felt the drift and everything went smoothly until the battle was over and they were headed back to the Shatterdome. She fainted on the way back to the Shatterdome she was pretty much limp against the restraints. Kyle piloted the Jaeger back into the Shatterdome and carried her out of the jaeger. Raleigh, Marshall, and Dex walk over and ask "what happened to her?" Kyle explains that i had fainted. Raleigh flips and says "you Hansen's are all the sun stay away from my daughter he takes me from kyle and walks to the small infirmary. Luke and Zoey are asleep in Mako's arms. She hands Luke to kyle who wakes and smiles at kyle and says "da...dda." Zoey just stays soundly asleep in Mako's arms as Kyle and Mako walk to the infirmary. The nurses hook Alice up to the machines as Raleigh sits by her bed.Raleigh had just fallen asleep when Mako and Kyle come strolling in holding Zoey and Luke. Kyle sets Zoey and Luke in Alice's sleeping arms like they had slept with their mother when they were born. Kyle then lays in bed next to Alice on the other side as she wakes. She sees the wires and freaks out and screams in pain as she pulls out the wires from her body. She picks Zoey and Luke up knowing who they are. She yells who are you as she looks at Kyle her vision extremely blurry. She backs away as Raleigh says while half asleep shhh my little girl go back to sleep your safe here. Alice runs out of the room holding the two kids and she runs into Selena and Mako and Selena grabs the kids. Alice hugs Mako saying "mom there was a man in my bed and another near my bed i don't remember them! Mako tried to comfort a now crying Alice as she walks her to her and Kyle's room. She sits Alice on her bed and starts pointing to pictures on the wall and asks if she remembered any of the people in the pictures which was mostly Kyle and Raleigh. Mako hands her one of her and kyle in front of storm death before he almost died, and she then screams and grabs her head remembering kyle's almost death. Kyle comes running in as Alice is screaming he sees his mom holding his two kids and Alice sitting on their bed shaking, screaming, and crying as the picture sits in front of her on the bed. All of her memories coming back at the exact same time.
"Kyle! You need to drift with her now!" a medic yells as he enters the room, dragging a cart of equipment.
"What do you mean?" Kyle says, confused. "I can't with her in this state."
"You have to!" the medic retorted, strapping him to the bed and slamming a drift headset down on his head. "She's going into what we call memory overload. She is seeing or reliving all of her memories at the same time. Drifting will neutralize the pain."
"What do you mean 'or'?" Kyle asked.
"We don't know for certain. Everybody else that this has happened to has died, because there was no one to drift with them, and she will if we don't drift right Now!"
With that the medic slams his hand down on the big red button and everything goes black.
Chapter 13: The Field
Kyle wakes up in a field of tall dry grass. It crunches underfoot as he walks. All he can see for miles is this barren landscape, and in the middle, he sees Alice.
She is standing in the middle of the field, with small panes of air whirling around her, showing her memories. A table stands in front of her with two weapons laying on it. One has a sword, fashioned after a katana but not as sharp. The other was a mace, one that looked like it belonged in the Renaissance fair. Alice's face was contorted in pain as she looks from the memories to the table, and back again.
"Alice!" Kyle yells. She looks at him, but doesn't really see him. As he runs towards her, she collapses to her knees. When he reaches her, she looks up at him through teared-up eyes. She says "kill me, cause I don't want to live in a world where i don't recognize you."
Instead of killing her, he drops to his knees and gathers her into a hug. As she cries on his shoulder, he turns her face up to his and he kisses her.
As they kiss, they both slowly lose consciousness.
They both wake up a day later but Alice woke up first. She calmly lifted her head and looked around her and Kyle's room. She then slowly got off her bed and went over and took Luke from Selena's arms and rocked him until he began to fall asleep because he was crying when she woke up and Zoey had been sound asleep. A guy in an FBI uniform comes strolling in. The Marshall is being held in handcuffs. Two other agents then walk in and take Luke from Alice and Zoey from Selena. Meanwhile Kyle is still sound asleep in their bed. Alice yells hey Shit for brains , who do you think you are strolling in and stealing my damn kids?!?!?! Luckily Luke had fallen asleep so he hadn't heard his mother cursing at the FBI man. The man holding the Marshall Burkhart says hi my name is john Stevens Marshall Burkhart is under arrest for allowing the military to use Kyle Hansen and Alice Becket as military weapons since the young age of seven years old, he is also under arrest for allowing/ forcing these to marry at such a young age, and lastly for allowing/forcing them to have children which he was probably going to use as military weapons also. We are here to take the children in question to an orphanage, also to relieve Mako Mori, Raleigh Becket, Selena Hansen, Charles Hansen, Kyle Hansen, and Alice Becket of their military weapon duties to the jaeger program, and also to disband the marriage between these two young folks. Alice's hand was bleeding because she was digging her nails into the palm of her hand. She began to tear up and said "can we make a deal sir?" He says " maybe it depends on the deal first?" she looks at her mom then her now mother in law. Alice looks at johns and says "fight me all of you and if i lose you can take my children, my job, and Marshall and I to jail. If i win you leave taking absolutely nothing with you and you never ever come back." The FBI agents then get all cocky and smile a grin and several smirks and say fine the fight is in two hours go train. She heard Kyle wake up as she ran out of the room. Selena explained to Kyle what had just occurred before he woke up. Alice ran down to the gym and began to run around the track saying "My Kyle i will fight my hardest to protect you, our children, and our families." She started to run faster as the song Madness in me blared in her ears on her small ipod. ( ) She had run for a straight hour and drank a little bit of water. She then ran down to the combat room and pulled out all the metal dummies they had in the whole building. Sweat poured down her body as she used her last hour to destroy all these dummies to ruins. Kyle walked in as Alice was fighting and a sword was suddenly thrown his way and landed right next to his head maybe an inch away probably smaller. She turned her head and he saw the red hint in her eyes as she walked over apologizing to him her eyes only turned red when she was fighting for her life. She hugged him saying "I'm sorry did i hurt you?" He says "no." She yanked her sword out of the wall, as she kissed him and said thank you for saving me now its my turn to save you. two of the three agents walked in holding guns, lastly johns walked in holding a pistol and a katana. She mumbles "I'm so fucking screwed." She was scared to die but it was this or lose her kids and kyle forever. Her iris's turned red as she walked over to Zoey and Luke and kissed them on the forehead and said "mommy loves you so very much. never forget that my little ones." She began to cry as her fate was now decided since the agents were using guns, Her red hair with blonde streaks was soaked in her sweat so she pulled it into a high ponytail so it would be out of the way for the fight.
Chapter 14: Lives worth protecting, fighting, and dying for
They all started in the center of the room. Johns was in the front the other two flanked him, Alice stood directly in front of them. Alice stuck her sword tip on the ground and spun it around her in a circle sparks flew as the two metals of the floor and the sword caused a friction that set off the sprinklers, the fight began when the sprinklers went off. The agents saw the red in her eyes begin to glow an unearthly red. Johns yells "you Monster!!!!" She says I'm only a monster because you threatened to take the people closest to me in my life away! They all then pointed their guns at her and she knew if she lost to these men it would be the last time she saw kyle. She then watched the bullets come at her as if in slow motion she dodged the first one and the second got lodged in her shoulder. She by then put her sword to one agents neck making him out then. She mumbled one down two to go. She knew she would have to fight harder. she slashed a bullet in half with her sword and the gunpowder exploded behind her. She then put her sword to the second agents neck and said your out. She then gasped as a bullet bit into the back of her leg. She then turned and screamed and charged him easily disarming him because his gun jammed. she forced him onto his knees her sword to his neck she said your ou.....t the blood loss then caught up to her as she sank to her knees. Agent johns yells you cheated your out not me. he rips her tags off and throws them across the room yelling you cheated you monster! she mumbles the guns jammed from the sprinklers she could only smile as the medics came in and carried her to the infirmary. Once in the infirmary they did a blood transfusion on her after removing the bullets and wrapping her wounds. Alice slept for a whole day after the fight and the agents left directly after the fight and never came back Alice woke up her arm in a sling, crutches sat next to the bed and Zoey and Luke were asleep curled in against her stomach. she smiled down at them. Kyle was asleep in a chair next to the bed. Mako saw her awake first and said "my daughter don't ever do that again! Their guns could have killed you right in front of us all even your kids. Your husband here has been stubborn and hasn't fallen asleep till 5 minutes before you woke up and he won't do anything the Marshall says. He is also sending Kyle out on deploy soon so can you please wake him up. Also you can't go in Storm Death for 2 weeks because of your arm and leg. Alice just nods and limps to Kyle's chair. She kissed him and said sweety time to wake up you ave to deploy in two hours. Kyle slowly began to wake up to see Alice bending her foot so it doesn't touch the ground and her arm in a sling.
Kyle wearily raises his head. He looks at Alice and says, "Marshall can shove his deployment up his ass. I'm not deploying alone." He adds, "In fact, I'm taking the year of leave i have stocked up, let them train new pilots, I'm spending time with my family." Kyle crawls into bed with Alice, and falls asleep.
Chapter 15: Reports
----...Another breach has opened in the Atlantic. For the first time since the kaiju first appeared, Atlantic coastal cities such as Greenwich, Miami, Baltimore, Lisbon, and New York have been attacked. Jaegers are being moved into position, but that will take time. Elise Sumter, 999.England News.----
----... reports of an unknown Mk6 jaeger. It appears to monitor kaiju/jaeger fights and steps in when the jaeger appears to be losing. The unknown then disappears, but it's fighting style matches that of two pilots who disappeared ten years ago, Mr. Kyle Hanson, and his wife, Alice. They both..----
----...Jaeger, Storm Death, which went off the grid ten years ago. The Jaeger program is investigating the unknown and any connection it may have to Storm Death or her pilots. So far, no...----
Kyle flips off the TV and watches Zoey and Luke play outside. The reports are getting worse, he thinks to himself. I wonder if Alice and me made the right choice ten years ago. Category 7 and 8 kaijus are coming through, and we were the best pilots.
"Daddy, I'm hungry," Zoey says, running inside.
"Me too," Luke adds, skidding to a stop behind his sister.
"Go in the kitchen and make a couple sandwiches. I'll be out in a couple minutes to help," Kyle tells them. Suddenly, he hears a sound he hasn't heard in years.
Stepping out onto the porch, Kyle watches as a military chopper with the PRC logo lands in the clearing in front of his cabin.
A six-man security detail steps out of the chopper, followed by a man in a trench coat, who says, "It's been a long time, Hanson."
"I wanted out of that life, Alice too. We weren't gonna raise our family in the military. That's no life for a child."
"It was for you."
"That's different."
"How so?"
"I had no choice. My parents left me as a baby. I'm not leaving my kids to that life," Kyle replies.
"Have you seen the news?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
"No one is safe. Not anymore. I know about Storm Death. You and Alice have been busy."
"I don't know what you are talking about," Kyle says with a guarded voice.
"Lay off it, Kyle! We both know NO ONE fights like you two! Your moves match perfectly. It's good to see you haven't lost your touch over the years, but the Jaeger program needs you. The WORLD needs you, kyle," Burkhart says. He sees Alice step out on to the porch. "Alice," he says. "It's been awhile."
"Ten years," she replies, hugging on Kyle's arm. "Why are you here, Burkhart?"
We are losing pilots faster than we can train them. We refurbish the Jaegers, but good pilots are hard to come by and are irreplaceable. You two the best. The program needs you back," He tells them.
"Why now? After ten years...TEN YEARS, why now?" Kyle asks.
"Ten years ago, there was only one breach. Ten years ago, we didn't have a double event every couple of days. Ten years ago, we had the best pilots ever. Times are changing. We NEED you back," He tells them.
"No. We left, and we aren't going back," Alice tells Burkhart.
Reiterating the late Marshall Pentecost, Burkhart tells them, "Haven't you heard? The world is ending. Where would your rather die? Here, or in a jaeger?"
"In a jaeger," Alice whispers.
"Will you come?"
Kyle and Alice look into each others eyes, as if they know what the other is thinking. "Yes. Give us a few moments to pack and get the kids," Kyle says.
"Half hour. That's it," Burkhart replies.
A half hour later, Kyle and Alice step onto the porch With Zoey and Luke, one suitcase for each. :Take Zoey and Luke on the chopper with you. We''ll be along. Don't wait for us," Kyle tell Burkhart. Alice and Kyle disappear back in the house as the chopper lifts off.
"Neural Handshake Initiated, a computer voice says. 'Human to Jaeger Interface at 100%. Coupling lines Disabled. Storm Doors open. Good Luck, Jaeger." Storm Death steps out into the sun.
Burkhart looks out the window of the chopper and sees a glint of metal. About a half a mile behind the cabin, he sees a fully functioning MK6 Jaeger step out of the cliff. I'll be damned, he thinks. I never thought I'd see a more welcome sight.
"PRC chopper to Storm Death. Do you read, over?" Burkhart says into a headset.
"That's a good copy, Marshall. How do you like our transport?"
"I want to know how you kept it powered for ten years. The nuclear core would need more uranium for power," Burkhart replies. "Did you take from our supplies?"
"No," Kyle answers. "Russians can get you whatever you need."
"You sound like Pentecost."
"Where do you think i got it from?"
"You sly devil."
"No," Alice chimes in. "They supply the uranium, we keep the coast clear. It's a supply and demand relationship."
They reached the ocean. "Are you going to walk that thing to the Shatterdome?" Burkhart asks. Just then, his sat. phone rings. He talks into it for a second, then slams it shut. "Change of plans," He tells them. "We have a category 6 kaiju signature. You are the only Jaeger within 50 miles. Your orders are to take down the kaiju. Understood?"
"Yes Sir!" They both reply in unison.